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Stepping out of lockdown: Launching a footwear brand during a pandemic

By Claudia Yoshinaga, Elisa Larroudé, John Mullins


Marina Larroudé stared glumly at all the crossings out on the proposed boots order for the autumn collection. Her husband Ricardo wanted to cut her suggestions by nearly half – in models, colours and quantities. Their fledgling shoe business had begun to a promising buzz a few months ago, but last month’s sales had dwindled to a trickle. Ricardo feared that Marina’s bold order would leave them stranded with unsold inventory. She sipped her coffee and wondered if he was right to be cautious. Had their initial reception been a fad? Was this opportunity as attractive as they had assumed a few short months ago? Should she push back or accept her husband’s cuts?

Learning objectives

  1. Practice assessing entrepreneurial opportunities using seven domains analysis
  2. Learn how to identify sources of sustainable competitive advantage
  3. Determine what makes a strong entrepreneurial team
  4. Identify strengths and weaknesses in business models


Publication Date: August 2023
LBS Case Code: CS-23-009
Subjects: , , , ,
Geography: , ,
Pages: 8
Format: pdf