Corporate strategy

September 2016

ING Bank: Creating an Agile Organisation

By Julian Birkinshaw, Scott Duncan

Set in 2016, this case describes ING Bank’s implementation of a radical new way of working using agile principles. ING’s agile way of working has been written up in Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review and McKinsey Quarterly. This case provides a detailed account of how the new struc...

November 2012

innocent Drinks: Maintaining Socially Responsible Values During Growth (B)

By Celia Moore, Luis Fischer, Mike McCarthy

This is part of a case series. This case explores the process a social venture went through in raising funds to expand its business. The case focuses on the risks and opportunities of possible funding methods, and actions that can be taken to protect key values throughout the process. The case provi...

November 2012

innocent Drinks: Maintaining Socially Responsible Values During Growth (A)

By Celia Moore, Luis Fischer, Mike McCarthy

This is part of a case series. This case explores the process a social venture went through in raising funds to expand its business. The case focuses on the risks and opportunities of possible funding methods, and actions that can be taken to protect key values throughout the process. The case provi...

January 2016

easyCar (G): From B2C to P2P

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar Reincarnated (F): Putting off Fires and Moving down the Value Chain

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar (E): New Troubles Ahead

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar (D): A New Beginning

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar (C): Reality Bites Back

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar (B): The Profile of a Strategic Innovator in 2000

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...

January 2016

easyCar (A)

By Michael Jacobides, Pascal Courty

In 1999, Stelios Haji-Ioannou and the easyGroup management team considered whether European car rental was a business worth entering. They had an enviable track record when it came to picking market opportunities. Could this be their next success? The case describes easyCar’s entry into the Europe...