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35 results for 'John Mullins'


Stepping out of lockdown: Launching a footwear brand during a pandemic

By Claudia Yoshinaga, Elisa Larroudé, John Mullins

Marina Larroudé stared glumly at all the crossings out on the proposed boots order for the autumn collection. Her husband Ricardo wanted to cut her suggestions by nearly half – in models, colours and quantities. Their fledgling shoe business had begun to a promising buzz a few months ago, but las...


Terry Rhodes (A)

By Aleya Karim, John Mullins, Tiffany Putimahtama

This is part of a case series. 'Everyone says entrepreneurship is about risk-taking. But it’s not: it’s about minimising risks and taking careful risks.' Terry Rhodes' own words resonated with him as he reflected on the most critical decision of his career at Celtel International. Since its ince...


Valuing Privately Owned Companies: Valuation Techniques – Technical Note

By John Mullins, Robert M Johnson, Steve Pesenti

It is commonly said that the valuation of companies is more of an art than a science. The essence of this statement is that arriving at a valuation is a matter of judgment, balancing the consideration of various factors, rather than the mechanical application of a mathematical formula. This is espec...