Latest cases

August 2023

Stepping out of lockdown: Launching a footwear brand during a pandemic

By Claudia Yoshinaga, Elisa Larroudé, John Mullins

Marina LarroudĂ© stared glumly at all the crossings out on the proposed boots order for the autumn collection. Her husband Ricardo wanted to cut her suggestions by nearly half – in models, colours and quantities. Their fledgling shoe business had begun to a promising buzz a few months ago, but las...

July 2023

Alessandro Riccombeni Case A: Lessons in leadership

By Randall Peterson, Nick Mickshik

This case is aimed at helping executives understand the reasons why they may ‘derail’ when promoted to a new position or when they secure a new job that does not accord with their expectations of it. Case A describes the situation Alessandro Riccombeni found himself in when, having seemingly se...

July 2023

Alessandro Riccombeni Case B: Resolving the impasse

By Randall Peterson, Nick Mickshik

This case is aimed at helping executives understand the reasons why they may ‘derail’ when promoted to a new position or when they secure a new job that does not accord with their expectations of it. Case A describes the situation Alessandro Riccombeni found himself in when, having seemingly se...

March 2017

Raising capital for Financial Butler (C) (Chinese language)

By Bryan Stroube, Michael Bikard, Ken Mark

This case focuses on Nick Hungerford’s attempt to raise capital for his FinTech start-up, Financial Butler, (later renamed Nutmeg). The concept is a digital platform offering a revolutionary, transparent and fair service to an “untapped” market segment currently not served by wealth managers, ...

March 2017

Raising capital for Financial Butler (B) (Chinese language)

By Bryan Stroube, Michael Bikard, Ken Mark

This case focuses on Nick Hungerford’s attempt to raise capital for his FinTech start-up, Financial Butler, (later renamed Nutmeg). The concept is a digital platform offering a revolutionary, transparent and fair service to an “untapped” market segment currently not served by wealth managers, ...