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M-KOPA Solar: Using Digital Disruption to Connect the World’s Poor

By Nader Tavassoli


Launched in East Africa, M-KOPA is an innovative pay-as-you-go solar system that provides reliable energy to low-income households. To serve these customers profitably, M-KOPA’s solution relies on digital innovation and the integrated adaptation of every element business model, including a new profit model akin to the data-driven platform models of the likes of Amazon and Tencent. The founders’ challenge was how best to continue growing their for-profit business in the face of new competition, while staying true to M-KOPA’s social mission and values.

Learning objectives

  1. Digital transformation
  2. Data-driven platform models
  3. Machine-to-machine technologies
  4. Social entrepreneurship
  5. Shared values
  6. Strategic innovation


Publication Date: December 2018
LBS Case Code: CS-18-27
Subjects: , , , ,
Pages: 15
Format: pdf