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KFC UK & Ireland Case B: Technology and Project Choices

By Nitish Jain, S. Alex Yang


Jatin Chandwani realised numerous opportunities existed for technology interventions to improve franchisees’ financial performance at KFC UK & Ireland.. Specifically, these concerned attaining better customer experience and the widespread use of data-led analytics to guide franchisees’ actions; be they related to external customer engagement or internal restaurant operations. As a step forward towards tapping into these opportunities, he believed the team needed to construct a coherent approach towards data management. Moreover, facing different technology options for different business settings, KFC should develop a business-process-based framework to evaluate the business impact of different technology-adoption options.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the value proposition of Cloud infrastructure vis-Ć -vis on-premise infrastructure
  2. Learn how to apply a business-process framework for the identification and business-impact quantification of technology interventions
  3. Acquire a well-rounded, foundational view of AI solutions and principle challenges in the life-cycle management of AI solutions


Publication Date: October 2024
LBS Case Code: CS-24-017
Subjects: , , , , , ,
Geography: ,
Pages: 4
Format: pdf