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Avon International: Imagining a Refill Program in Turkey

By Ioannis Ioannou, Ken Mark, Lisa Duke


The case explores the role of sustainability initiatives in Avon’s business strategy and how they align with its mission of empowering women. It also discusses the potential financial and operational implications of the yet-to-be implemented idea of a refill program, including changes to supply chain, production, and logistics. Additionally, the case highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement and the potential impact on Avon’s Turkish associates and women entrepreneurs.

Learning objectives

  1. Analyse the alignment of sustainability initiatives with a company's overall business strategy, mission, and values.
  2. Discuss the feasibility of implementing a new sustainability program.
  3. Develop strategies for effective stakeholder engagement and buy-in, addressing the concerns and expectations of key groups such as customers, employees, and business partners.
  4. Explore the potential impact of sustainability initiatives on a company's target market and key stakeholders, such as women entrepreneurs in Avon's case.
  5. Examine the challenges and opportunities associated with scaling and replicating sustainability programs across different markets and cultures.
  6. Enhance decision-making skills by weighing the various factors and trade-offs involved in implementing a new sustainability initiative.


Publication Date: May 2024
LBS Case Code: CS-24-023
Subjects: , , , , , , , , ,
Industry: ,
Geography: , ,
Pages: 19
Format: pdf